Every department benefits from a little PLC

In your department store , the only thing thinner than the private label cards you can offer is the margins that you must contend with. Implementing a private label credit card for your customers will drive higher store ring, increase customer count and improve inventory turns. The program will also yield key customer purchase insights which, when tied to promotions or merchandising, will drive increased revenue.

Karum's software and services are tailor-made for the unique demands of department store retailers. Karum has provided the Private Label Credit for very large retailers with as many as 15 million accounts and addressed the highly differentiated  credit practices of the world's most demanding department stores such as: Eaton's (Canada), Daimaru (Australia), Farmer's Trading (New Zealand), Mesbla (Brazil), Edgar's (South Africa), Robinson's (Thailand), Sears (Mexico) and Dillard's (USA).



Getting Started with Karum

To be contacted by a sales representative about the services Karum offers for department store retailers, click here >